7 Tips for Starting Spring Seeds

Issue #199. FEBRUARY 2024.

Hey there friend!

I hope your week is off to a great start. We're half-way to Friday and the sun is out. It's going to be a magical day!

This week, my mind has been on one thing... SPRING! Mainly, spring planting. Be sure to listen to this week's episode of The Growing Space Podcast as I share my spring planting checklist with y'all! In next week's episode, I'm going to share how you can grow $1,000 worth of produce on your patio.

As always, I'm here to help YOU in your food growing journey. Whenever you're ready to talk about the season ahead, I'm here for you. You can schedule a Consultation using the link below. I'm all booked for the rest of February BUT there are lots of times available for early March.

This week's newsletter is focused on SEEDS. All things starting seeds. I'm going to share with you MY approach for starting seeds in the spring with seven quick tips. Lots of other fun seedy goodness, and resources, are tucked into this week's newsletter too!

Psssst... did you know my spring shop is officially open??

Shop for seeds on my website! All seeds purchased through my online store come with a custom seeding tag to help you keep track of when you seeded AND when you can expect a first harvest. I also added two new bundles / kits to the online store, just for you!

Seedlings will be available later this month!

Grow Food at Home, From SEED, with The Patio Farmer's help -

Attend Spring Gardening Basics on 2/27. My first SkillPop class of 2024 is next Tuesday! In this class, I talk a lot about seed starting, seed saving, seed planning, seed storage, and more, to help you prepare for the spring season ahead. We'll even seed something together, in class!

Join Plant Club in March. This year, Plant Club is focused on growing food from seed. In March, members will learn how to grow two varieties of lettuce (a leaf variety, and a head variety) from seed, at home.

Apply for PREMIERE PRACTICE. This is The Patio Farmer's brand new, top-tier, 1-on-1 service offering designed to offer clients weekly support in their growing spaces, for spring, summer and fall. Apply today to get started in March.

Join the waitlist for Six S's to Success. The Patio Farmer's masterclass will feature an entire module on SEEDS. This online masterclass will set you up for seeding success with the full download of information you need plus, handy resources and guides from Farmer Erin. Six S's for Success goes live on March 19 (the first day of spring).

The Forecast:

Below is a list of what can be planted now in the greater Charlotte area / USDA ag zone 8a - and as long as the soil ain't frozen!

Seeds: Artichoke, Arugula, Beets, Carrots, Edible Flowers, Green Onion, Kale, Lettuce, Onion, Parsley, Peas (snap, snow and shelling), Spinach, and more!

Seedlings: Fruit Trees / Plants (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries strawberries, and more!), Perennial Herbs (rosemary, lavender, sage, thyme, oregano, mints, chives, and more!)

The Growing Space Podcast

Episode 22: Spring Planting Checklist

I don't know about you all but I am elbows deep in all of my planning for the spring season ahead! In this week's episode, I'm sharing with you some top of mind things for your "spring planting checklist" before you get started growing this season.

You can find The Growing Space Podcast wherever you get your podcasts! Except... Apple Podcasts... for now! I'm working on resolving a technical glitch at the moment. So, if Apple Podcasts is your main source for listening to podcasts, might I suggest listening to The Growing Space Podcast on YouTube for the time being? It's free! No subscription necessary.

If you enjoy this week's episode, be sure to give it a like, rating or review and be sure to share it with a friend. The more interactions my little podcast gets, the more people I'm able to reach!

Join Plant Club GROW

Seed Lettuce, Carrots, and Zucchini

Join Plant Club GROW before March 1 and grow lettuce from seed in March. Throughout the month of March, we'll learn the in's and out's of growing HEAD lettuce and LEAF lettuce. GROW members will receive a Grow Kit featuring the following items,

  • two packets of Certified Organic lettuce seed (including buttercrunch, and a gourmet leaf mix)
  • two custom seeding tags
  • a seeding hand tool (Farmer Erin's favorite!)
  • a grow bag
  • a bag of Mary's Mineral Mix from Windcrest Farm

Later this spring, we're seeding carrots and zucchini!

By joining Plant Club GROW ($65 / month) you'll receive weekly guidance and information from Farmer Erin, in addition to the monthly Grow Kit. Plus, you'll have access to The Patio Farmer's online community through Circle which includes members only troubleshooting support and an online resource library.

There are FOUR different membership options for joining Plant Club so if you feel like the GROW level is too much (or not enough) support for you, you can select your level of membership.

7 Tips for Starting Spring Seeds

I'm going to start this list off with a bang, and by the end of reading this little snippet on starting spring seeds you should feel super encouraged to pop some little babes in the soil these next few weeks.

  1. The only seeds I ever consider starting inside in early spring are tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. That's it. These seeds take a long time to grow when planted directly outside. It can be difficult and frustrating managing the correct amount of sunlight, moisture, heat, and airflow that seedlings need, at home, and getting your timing right. If you're up for the challenge and you'd like my help with starting tomatoes from seed this spring, consider grabbing this little bundle.
  2. I love seeding. Anytime I can "direct seed" that is, sow a seed in the spot where it will grow to maturity, and harvest, I do. I feel my plants are healthier, happier, and more productive when I do!
  3. Don't be afraid to plant a seed! There's nothing more magical that seeing a seed you sew pop out of the soil and say hello.
  4. Seeding in the spring is great because the soil is cooler, and holds moisture better. This usually means better germination success!
  5. When you seed, be sure you keep the top 1-2 inches of soil moist. Not saturated, just moist. If you water every other day while temperatures don't get warmer than 70 degrees, you're good to go!
  6. You probably don't need to plant your seed as deeply as you think. Most seeds grow great with just a sprinkle of soil to cover them!
  7. When you seed, try not to pat the soil down. Seeds like having pockets of air in the soil around them.


The Patio Farmer's top-tier, 1-on-1 coaching service

Apply before 2/29 (next Thursday) for your opportunity to participate

The first cohort for PREMIERE PRACTICE by The Patio Farmer kicks off in March! PREMIERE PRACTICE by The Patio Farmer includes,

  • 1-on-1 Coaching Services from March - September
    • ​Weekly visits to your growing space from Farmer Erin (each visit will last up to 45 minutes)
    • Summary notes of each visit posted to the client portal with harvest recommendations, and any recommendations for maintenance between visits
    • Tracking milestones throughout the seasons as we grow, and celebrating them!
  • $100 non-refundable credit towards products and supplies each month ($700 value over the course of the contract)
  • Membership to Plant Club by The Patio Farmer at the KNOW level ($203 value over the course of the contract)
  • GROWTH: 52 weeks of intentions, reminders, and advice for growing food at home ($35 value)

​$599 / month. Prepay for the season and get half-off your first month of service! As a premium service, there are a limited amount of spots available for spring. PREMIERE PRACTICE is available to residents of the following zip codes - 28202, 28203, 28204, 28205, 28206, 28210, 28211, 28226, 28270, 28277, 28105, 28078

Frequent Asked Questions:

What days will visits be scheduled?

Generally, weekly visits will be scheduled on Tuesdays or Wednesdays within a 3-hour window such as 8 - 11am, 11am - 2pm, 2pm - 5pm or 5pm - 8pm (seasonally, in summer)

Do I get to select the crops I want to grow?

Absolutely! We will work together to create your crop wish list at the start of each growing season.

Will you build raised beds for me?

Absolutely! The Patio Farmer can build and install raised beds for you. Depending on the scope of the project, there may be an additional fee to cover set-up time and cost of materials. The monthly supply credit can be leveraged to help cover material costs too.

What supplies are covered with the $100 monthly credit?

The monthly credit includes plants, seeds, soil, containers, raised beds, trellises, plant food, and pest / disease treatments.

Where does The Patio Farmer source supplies from?

The Patio Farmer uses products and supplies that are safe for organic production. The Patio Farmer prioritizes supporting local, small business to source materials for clients. The Patio Farmer works with Windcrest Farm, a Certified Organic farm in Monroe, NC for all plants and plant food. The Patio Farmer sources Certified Organic seeds through High Mowing Organic Seeds as well as open-pollinated seeds from Sow True Seed in Asheville, NC

Is there a contract for this coaching program?

Yes! A signed contract / service agreement is required to participate in the PREMIERE PRACTICE program.

The seeds pictured above my 7 tips are for spinach! I can't wait to grow tons of spinach this spring. Do you know what you want to grow this season?

If you want, you can take my little quiz to get my recommendations for you space --> What Food Should You Grow at Home?

Once you take the quiz, share it with a friend!

Charlotte, NC
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The Patio Farmer

Based in Charlotte, NC (zone 7b / 8a). FarmHer. Edible gardening consultant, coach and educator. Seed fanatic. Plant lady. Growing guru. My favorite color is green.

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